Our Team

Sean Hall
Sean Hall
Senior 340B Program Director, 340B ACE

Sean Hall (CPhT, 340B ACE), Senior 340B Program Director, works with Visante’s 340B Program clients to help them achieve their compliance goals and optimize program performance. Sean’s experience in hospital pharmacy purchasing and operations, as well as all other aspects of 340B Program management, gives him deep insight and experience in supporting covered entities.

Before joining Visante, Sean was the 340B Program Manager for Southcoast Health System, responsible for all aspects of 340B program compliance & operations. This included three hospitals, three in-house retail pharmacies, an in-house Specialty pharmacy, and over 60 Contract Pharmacy locations. In this role, he gained experience with 340B TPA implementations, establishing Contract Pharmacy relationships, managing Medicare & Medicaid billing requirements, Medicare Cost Reports and 340B location crosswalk, 340B clinic conversions, inventory optimization and expansion of 340B patient definition. In addition, he was the chair of Southcoast’s 340B Steering Committee.

Prior to his role at Southcoast, Sean was the 340B Coordinator at Rhode Island Hospital, where he led the 340B self-audit plan and was responsible for overall 340B compliance. He guided RIH successfully through an HRSA audit.

Sean has experience in roles that include pharmacy purchasing specialist, lead technician, and staff technician in retail and hospital settings.

Sean received an Associate's degree in Business Administration from the Community College of Rhode Island in Warwick, RI.